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How to manage a Remote Sprint Retrospective

This blog is the fifth and last one in a series of five: Remote Working Scrum Events, Done Right.

When it's clear we have to meet, let's make sure to level it up to a proper event, like you should in Scrum. The objective and the artefacts to inspect and adapt are clearly defined in the Scrum Guide. We've summarized those below.

We've outlined three great ways to meet the objective, as well as some tools to help you do it. Pick the one you prefer, and get after it!

How to manage a Remote Sprint Retrospective v1

Create a plan for improvements to be enacted during the next Sprint. Read more…

Sprint, people, relationships, process, tools, DoD.



  • Follow David Horowitz’ rules & tips:
  • Let the whole Scrum Team decide who to invite to the Sprint Retrospective. 
  • Change who facilitates and have that person focus on it, i.e. not participate.
  • Facilitate open discussion by asking Powerful Questions. 
  • Follow the energy of the Scrum Team! 
    Xebia Remote Sprint Retrospective


  • Sprint Retrospective in a Slack channel, MS Teams, WhatsApp, or any other tool that allows for asynchronous communication. 
  • Use a bot to automate the process. 
  • Send out email prompts to make sure everyone gets to contribute.
  • Promote video updates in addition to text. 


Actionable and committed improvements for implementation in the next Sprint.

This is the fifth and final blog post in a series of five. Go to the first blog to start reading them all.

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