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How to facilitate an awesome remote Sprint Review

This blog is the fourth in a series of five: Remote Working Scrum Events, Done Right.

When it's clear we have to meet, let's make sure to level it up to a proper event, like you should in Scrum. The objective and the artefacts to inspect and adapt are clearly defined in the Scrum Guide. We've summarized those below.

We've outlined three great ways to meet the objective, as well as some tools to help you do it. Pick the one you prefer, and get after it!

Xebia Remote Sprint Review

Inspect the Increment and adapt the Product Backlog if needed. Elicit feedback and foster collaboration. Read more…

Increment, Sprint, Product Backlog, Current Business Conditions

  • Keep It Sweet & Simple:Video call with all people visible.
  • The Product Owner explains what’s Product Backlog Items have been done and what has not been done. 
  • The Development Team discusses what happened during the Sprint and demonstrates and answers questions about the work that it has done. 
  • The Product Owner discusses the Product Backlog as it stands and everyone collaborates on what to do next, as input for the Sprint Planning.
  • Use Liberating Structures to maximize inclusion and engagement, e.g. User Experience Fishbowl.
  • Soapbox Sprint Review: Ask all stakeholders to record a video of them using the Increment and provide feedback while doing so, e.g. with Soapbox. 
  • Collect all videos and host a watch party with the team. 
  • As the team watches the videos, they take notes and compare and contrast what they see and hear with their personal experience with the Increment. 
  • The Soapbox Sprint Review can be combined and augmented with the Sprint Review Bazaar with several team members per stall in virtual breakout rooms. 
  • After the watch party, discuss insights and adapt the Product Backlog to reflect this. 


  • Sprint Review by collaboratively reviewing the Story Map made in Sprint Planning in FeatureMap, or any other tool that allows for asynchronous communication. 
  • Send out email prompts to make sure everyone gets to contribute.  
  • Promote videoupdates in addition to text. 


Go to next blog: How to manage a Remote Sprint Retrospective?

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